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To understand that, its best to start with the explanation of what a 'keystone' is, and to do that please think of an man-made arch – whether it is made from brick, stone or rock. They all follow the same pattern/construction, in this case. An arch is made up of many bricks or stones, but the most important one, is the stone/brick/rock you find in the centre of the arch. When an arch is being built, the keystone is the last stone to be added to the arch because ALL the other stones depend on it to stay in place – it keeps them all together and stops them from falling.
That is the same for a keystone species. They have an extremely important and very powerful job. They keep an ecosystem alive, for example, if we destroy a keystone species we are not only destroying one type of animal, but many other plants and animals will die when keystone species are no longer around as they depend on a keystone species for survival purposes. Any keystone animal has a great positive effect on any ecosystem.
Two examples (there are many more) are beavers and elephants (all three species).