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These unusual-looking crocodiles do not stalk and jump out of the water to catch their prey. They have that long and unusual snout for a good reason – they contain sensory cells that can detect vibrations in the water and by whipping their head from side-to-side a few times, they can zero in on a fish.
Here are 3 reasons why they are nearing oblivion:
1. About 98% of these rare crocs have been wiped out due to hunting them to use their body parts in traditional medicine.
2. Many rivers are blocked and dried to develop land for human habitation and/or for agricultural purposes. This poses a great problem because another difference is that unlike other crocs, they cannot walk over land to find another source of permanent water – they are stuck, so draining their rivers is a 100% death sentence.
3. Another point adding to the critically endangered status is that many young Gharials are often accidentally caught in fishing nets.