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'Protected areas', no longer guarantees the protection of any species in Africa – to visit the correct spots, please do your research.
An amusing photo and also proof of how silently the largest living animal – the African elephant, can move. These tourists were completely unaware of this curious bull that snuck up to get a better look at these unusual primates.
Elephants are largely harmless and gentle animals, but due to culling, rampant poaching, and other forms of hunting, elephants in unprotected areas are more wary of humans, and some show aggression – but only out of defense brought on by the violent abuse they have experienced. Ellies born and reared or spent many years in protected areas are different in a pleasant way.
Some elephants only experience it indirectly and that is enough for these intelligent mammals, for example one of these awful situations they were forced into, has burned into my mind...
A herd of elephants was being culled and once the slaughter was finished, the authorities searched for the other herd, and luckily could not locate them... Rescuers eventually found them huddled together on the border of the fenced 'protected' Government Park trying to get as far away from the carnage taking place many miles away – they had not seen it ,or heard it, they were too far away but 'picked up' the vibes (likely felt tremors through their sensitive feet, even miles apart) of the distressed and panicked herd being culled a great distance away (Parks in Africa are enormous and not at all like the European wildlife parks).